Robustløpet, Jæren delivers!

The Robust race, which aims to reach everyone from top runners to public health initiatives, was a running party of dimensions. The weather gods delivered from the top shelf, with sunshine from a cloudless sky and virtually no wind.

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“Age is just a number” NM Veteran Stange 27-28 January 2024

It's like a juicy carrot to be able to see the results of your efforts throughout the year when you compare yourself with the fittest in Norway in your age group.

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Registration for Holmenkollstafetten on May 4.

The most beautiful adventure of spring, they say. Would you like to join us? All members at all levels in GTI are given the opportunity to join a team, and fully paying members have almost all travel expenses covered.

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Blue race 1st part 2024

Vivamus feugiat sapien nulla, eu gravida est suscipit sit amet. Donec nisi lectus, vestibulum a massa eu, maximus scelerisque quam.

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Karmøy Marathon 2023

On 18.11.23 the 11. Karmøy Marathon takes place. Through 3 cities, with a cake man for the kids, medals and massages at the finish line and a Viking status that lasts until next year, this is an event you just have to make room for in the pre-Christmas calendar 2024.

From arr. Homepage: "674 registered, + 208 registered children! We broke all records in this year's event!"

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Autumn 2023 Throwing gang

Our most mature group is the casters. For many years, they have been a solid core of well-grown athletes who compete locally, nationally and internationally. The real highlight of the autumn is undoubtedly Herman Henriksen's discus gold at the European Veterans Championships in Italy - see article from SA at the end.

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Autumn 2023 Joint tour – “the fast track”

This year's joint trip went to Copenhagen to run a half marathon. Nearly 50 GTIs traveled to Denmark. Our eminent author Bjørn-Arild Ersland was one of these. We asked for a little insight into his experience.

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Autumn 23 – Ultra runner Simen Holvik

Eventually, quite a few people know about Simen Holvik and his racing history. 2023 started with 2nd place in the ultra race "Brazil 135 Ultramarathona". He describes another particularly strong performance the same summer during the "Badwater 135" (considered the world's toughest road ultra race) as follows: "The race in Death Valley on July 4 was historic. Not only did I become the first Norwegian to complete this historic race - but I also came in 1st place among the men. It was a special experience running almost 220 kilometers in up to 50 degrees. My time was the 4th best time ever, beating the time of the legend Scott Jurek."

This weekend, he will embark on a new world record attempt in Arizona. This time a 48-hour race - see articles below. We asked Simen for a summary of the highlights of the fall.

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2023 harvest … Ultratrail Marjo and Tom-Erik

In recent years, the Ultratrail community has developed well. At the same time, Dale Fjelløpere (DFL) has done a solid job of increasing interest among the average exerciser. In large parts of the region, mountains and moors are challenged, and with some of Europe's most technical terrain in our own backyard, it's perhaps not surprising that many of our runners succeed in local, national and international competitions. However, it should not be forgotten that what most trail runners have in common is the joy of doing outdoor sports in spectacular nature for hours on end.

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Your potential, our passion

GTI Athletics